1Andrea O'Hara
2Jennifer Schoeny
3Linda Mullen
My son was in this program last year. It was the first time in his entire education he disliked school. Please do not keep this program. It doesn't come near to what it is proclaimed to do.
4This signature has been deleted.
5Teri Domanski
If this program was part of a bigger plan to better the educational experience for ALL students, then great. But IT IS NOT! It does not challenge the honors students, does not allow for any students to get individual attention and it is not maintainable.
6Wendy Lin
7Melanie Hamblin
8Kelly DiPippa
9Donna Gilberg
10Sandra Weems
11Lesli Francis
My daughter does not feel challenged. Blended classes is not an honors program.
12Michelle Herwig
As of March, only 8 students have switched from A to H this year. Surely the school can find an aternative way to challenge these 8 students that doesn't impact everyone else.
13Rick Herwig
14Karen Ewin
15Teresia F. Scott
I would think that a "pilot" program that has been in place for 5 years should have very detailed statistics.
16Donald E Mullen
How disrespectful to both parents and students, to never tell students when signing up for classes last year, that they would be in blended classes Finding out when they returned to school was a complete hit. What kind of program starts so underhanded?
17Michael McAlister
18Kimberly S. Weaver
19This signature has been deleted.
20Georganna L. Murto
It has been proven in many studies that smart students do not bring slower students up to speed. Just the opposite. Slower students bring smart students down.
21Marie Murto
I have a grandson who is an honor student and I do not want this "blended" clases for him.
22This signature has been deleted.
23Karen Land
24Susan McGroddy
25Janelle Stewart
It is not the responsibility of honors students to create a more rigorous environment, but that of the school and it's teaching staff. Challenge all students - all the time!
26Kay Schnee
27James C.Stillman
Don't blend class programs that could lead to "should be"honors students being ostracized and bullied for being "too smart".
28Don Gilberg
29Leigh Newport
30Dee Howard
The Blended Class must work for all, otherwise two class levels should be available.
31Adrienne Gardner
Students are currently able to enroll in honors classes without any recommendations or other criteria. I would like to see this remain the case, and if they are unable to keep up, they should drop back. Blending only dilutes the rigor of an honors class.
32Lisa Luckman
33Jennifer Albers
There has been no real benefit for the honors students given yet. Don't blend the year before high school.
34Theresa Rosette
This "program" lacks rigor and proof of excellence. 3% of 8th grade students have changed themselves from Academic to Honors students. Honors students appear to be peer teachers in the classroom.
35Sean O'Hara
Am very displeased with the misinformation and lack of clear communications that have come out regarding this from BRMS and, specifically, from Brion Bell. This has fallen well below my expectations from what I viewed as a high performing organization.
36Andrea Donofrio
I do not feel blended classrooms will challenge nor prepare older kids for the rigors of high school honors/AP courses and at the very least would like to see it removed from the 8th grade
37Mark Donofrio
I am not in favor of blended classrooms and would appreciate the administration acknowledging the fact that there is no evidence for its continuance especially with such strong opposition from parents.
38Lori DeHart
39Rhonda Wells
As a substitute in the schools I've seen the difference in attitudes and achievements for both honors and academics classes. The differences are too big to be solved through "blending" of course material-students will suffer on both ends of the scale.
40Shanadee Stevenson
41Sydne Iwerks
42This signature has been deleted.
43Tiffany Packard
44Karen Dillon
I am so disappointed in the lack of data from BRMS to justify this program.
45Mary Jane Williams
46karl williams
47Debbi Alexander
48Naomi Kurzyna
49Robert Kurzyna
50Beth Ashworth
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Petition Details
Petition: Just Say No to Blended Classes at BRMS
Created By: marbles mom
Created On: May 10th, 2012
Target: Concerned Blue Ridge Middle School Parents
Category: Education

Total signatures: 171
Signature goal: 300

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