Pheasant Rump Members
A time has come for a Vote of Confidence as we find ourselves in yet another financial crisis because of the lack of leadership of the current Chief and Council. When our future generation’s Treaty Rights are being sacrificed as a result of incompetency and actions of NOT ACTING IN THE BEST INTEREST of Pheasant Rump’s Band Members with the misappropriation and mismanagement of our First Nations. THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH.

WE, the undersigned being band members of Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation, would like to address outstanding grievances as to the proper management of our community monies and assets.

WE REQUEST A GENERAL BAND MEETING, 30 days from the next dually convened Chief and Council meeting to resolve and address outstanding issues:

• The Oath of Office of CURRENT and previous Chief and Council.
• Audits for the last six years including the CDC, SIGA, FSIN AND HEALTH CANADA Audits.
• Copy of Agreement with current CO-Managers.


1. Membership Code
2. Land Use Policy.
3. Negotiating Committee for those choosing NOT to leave.
4. Funding and Legal Council for remaining Band Members.
5. OUTSTANDING Debt issues.
6. Housing on reserve and Kisbey Housing Land Transfer issues.
7. Salaries of Chief and Council.
8. Employee Pay for ZERO work.
9. STATUS of current Fraud investigations.
10. Full disclosure of ANY Oil and Gas revenue, past, present and future. Copies of all agreements made on behalf of PRNFN #68.
11. Restitution for money paid while on Council or during Administration of Community Programs through misappropriation of funds. Prior to dissolution of membership.
12. Proper Election notice to ensure due diligence is provided to ALL ELIGIBLE VOTING MEMBERS.
13. Outstanding Per Capita distribution for those that reached the age of majority.
14. Post-secondary funding.

Acknowledgement and acceptance of this notice upon receipt is appreciated.

Most Recent Signatures
18Sera-Lys Huck-McArthur
17Nova-Lee Graber
16Shirley Anne McArthur
democracy for our first nation means the biggest family wins the right to control the limited resources available to us which aren't enough for us anyway. why we keep voting in these yahoos is beyond me. convicts and closeted homos for chief? what next?!
14Dominga Robinson
I would like to see things move forward in a positive manner. Instead of fighting each other, lets work together for the betterment of all. Peace and Love.
13Robert Huck-McArthur
12Topasannah Heuchert
11Cassandra Roy
10Naiomi McArthur
9joe mcarthur
8Petrina McArthur
7Marie McArthur (Sheppard)
Follow the Contribution Agreements, volunteer committees to be set-up,audits, financial statements, minutes, BCR's if not Resignation.
6Valora McArthur
5Vanessa Big Eagle
I would like a future for Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation, I hate seeing our people live in this poverty and despair. We were forced to live on WB and we've brought shame to our homeland and our ancestors.
4Stacey Beaudry
Am hopeful we will all finally get to the bottom of this it gives me hope for my children who are also members from pheasant rump that the future of our reserve will be better for everyone when we make all those people accountable for all thier wrong doing
3Arlette McArthur
All the outstanding issues are pertinent to the well being, economic status and overall transparency to the ALL membership. Regardless of whether we are on or off reseve. There is no faith in the leadership currently and without disclosure, no hope!
2Holly McArthur
There are many issues that need to be addressed and dealt with..
1Nina McArthur
Please forward to all Members of Pheasant Rump. We need to put a stop to this now. I dont want OUR children to have to continue to fight this fight in their adult lives. We need to step out of the past so we can pave the way for our future.

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Petition Details
Created By: Nina McArthur
Created On: April 24th, 2012
Target: Chief and Council
Category: Corporate Accountability

Total signatures: 18
Signature goal: all Concerned Pheasant Rump Members

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