Please improve Metrobus service to, from and within Mount Pearl, NL
We, the undersigned, are tired of not being able to go where we want, when we want. The Metrobuses that come to Mount Pearl need to run more often and run in both directions so it doesn\'t take an hour to go three kilometres from where you start. It would also help if there was a bus that operated only in Mount Pearl so one could get from, say, the Pearlgate area to lower Commonwealth to go to work without either transferring to a bus that only runs a few times a day or doing the entire loop to the Village and back.

Most Recent Signatures
7Adam R
Mt.Pearl should start up their own bus service and work out a transfer agreement with Metrobus between the twin cities.
6Laura W
5Peter Harbin
it can take up to 90 minutes for me to travel from downtown St. John's to home in the pearl... and the shortest is 45.
4cyndi aylward
3Shelley Feltham
It would be nice to use public transportation instead of burn fuel driving around in a car as a lone passenger.
2j taylor
Progress and Growth for the Greater Metro Area of the Avalon requires an integrated reliable,efficent transportation system.
1Linda Stent-Campbell
Pearlgate area
Mount Pearl

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Petition Details
Created By: Linda Stent-Campbell
Created On: January 12th, 2009
Target: Metrobus and city of Mount Pearl
Category: Other

Total signatures: 7
Signature goal: 1000

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