Jerry Tipton Must Go
The signees of this petition formally request that Jerry Tipton either resign, or be terminated by the Lexington Herald-Leader. He has crossed the boundary of professionalism, and his negative journalism does not represent those who support this publication.

Most Recent Signatures
108Tre Pryor
It's been going on for far too long.

Jerry Tipton is a Debbie-downer.
107John Calhoun
The guy has to go. Please have someone else cover UK basketball! PLEASE
106Earl Milby
Kentucky fans love the Wildcats more than the Herald Leader. Eventually you will either fire Tipton or loose newspaper sales for this reason. The choice is yours. I have already cancelled my subscription at home and work.
105Chad Wolfe
There is nothing like watching the ignorant, racist UK fan base go nuts when a writer doesn't sugar coat articles about UK. Thank you Mr. Tipton for exposing the dirty UK program and their irrational fan base. Kentucky is a joke.
103Joe Dee
Just because a writer's view is not like yours, he should be fired? Silly kids , you are. 102 signatures in 10 days doesn"t say much for the strength of your movement.I hope LHL laughs at you kids, the way the rest of the world is>
102Kerry Grant
Linda, make the call and do the right thing! Jerry has been exposed and he needs a permanent timeout.
101N. D. Turner
The way we get rid of Tipton is to stop buying the LHL and do not purchase any item advertised in the LHL nor trade with any company advertising in the LHL. If everyone does this, Tiptop will be gone by Sunday.
100Hardin Long
Tipton's got a stiff one for BCG.
99Lowell Watson
I just cannot for the life of me imagine why someone with an anti-UK agenda would be hired as the beat writer for them.
98Rob Pelphrey
Would never buy the LHL in print, now will never visit again.
97Wallace Allen
How can this "writer" be allowed to continue this nonsense?
96Mike Hunt
Take a hike Tipton! You hate us 'cause you AIN'T us!
95Terry Willoughby
If your a Kentuckian and subscribing to the LHL drop it immediately. Support the University of Kentucky by doing so.
94Ken Grizzle
I have read the LHL for 20+ years. he has been anti-UK since he finally learned to type. As soon as my current subscription runs out I will no longer give them my business nor will I support any of those who advertise in their paper.
93Tim Flynn
Tipton has been an ass towards UK since day one, he is unprofessional and this should cost him his job at UK home newspaper.
92This signature has been deleted.
91Randy Martin
Tipton has an agenda.
He is not being an impartial reporter.
If the LHL chooses to keep writers like this on their staff,
soon they will see a drastic loss in subscriptions.
90DeWayne Reed
It is one thing to report the truth, at times it is hurtful and harmful to either an individual or an institution like UK, don’t' like it but true facts are true facts and that can not be changed. When it’s made personal that's a whole other story.

89Lindsey Fair
Clearly this man demonstrates not only unprofessionalism in his articles but bias directed at the University of Kentucky. Ethics and impartiality are thrown out the window in his writings.
He is a disgrace to the Herald and should be shown the door.
88Mike Rains
It's one thing for a sports writer to disagree or even dislike a particular coach. It is something totally different for a writer to let his or her persinel feelings interfere with their supposedly objective reporting. Jerry Tipton is a disgrace
87Amye Carder
86K. Travis
I take the Lexington Leader and get it a day late, so I won't have to read the anti-UK articles by Rich Bozich, but JT's articles are even worse. It's past time for Mr. Tipton TO GO!!!!!K. Travis
85Max Allen
I am sick and tired of Tipton and the LHL constantly showing their anti-UK attitude, particularly towards the new coach, and always against UK fans. CANCEL your subscription!!!
84Jonathan Sailor
I'm getting tired of this.

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Petition Details
Created By: Kyle S.
Created On: May 8th, 2008
Target: Lexington Herald-Leader sportswriter Jerry Tipton
Category: Media, Arts, Culture

Total signatures: 111
Signature goal: 40,000

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