Return to previous bylaws as pertains to backyard fire pits.
We the people of Kitchener believe that the recent bylaw amendment, to disallow fire pits in our own backyard, with a clause stating if we pay a permit of $10.00 per fire with a maximum of 6 fires per year we may have a fire, IS WRONG.

The population of our City is 200,000 we have had 80 people complain. The kneejerk reaction that has followed is unfair to the majority of people who reside in this city.

We are not children, we are adults. Roasting marshmallows, enjoying family and spending time with neighbors on a warm summer evening is what Canada is about.

GIVE US OUR FIREPITS BACK......."Happy Canada Day"

This update was added to the petition statement on June 26th, 2012 at 2:10 pm



This update was added to the petition statement on June 26th, 2012 at 2:12 pm

I apologize to all of those who have signed, if you can re-sign with your address I will manage the petition so it does not show a double entry.

First time doing this, so I want to get it right.

This update was added to the petition statement on June 26th, 2012 at 2:25 pm

OK, Postal codes instead of Addressess. I understand the privacy thing totally.

This update was added to the petition statement on June 26th, 2012 at 3:03 pm

Appreciate everyone who is signing, however, please do not sign twice, I have to edit out all the double signatures, if I don\'t they will not accept.

This update was added to the petition statement on June 26th, 2012 at 6:30 pm

August 27th is the next council meeting where this amendment is to be discussed and possibly passed. Please let everyone know about the petition. For once let us stand up for ourselves and be heard.
Thanks to all who have signed so far.

This update was added to the petition statement on June 27th, 2012 at 7:49 pm

Thank you all who have signed this petition. FYI i have registered as a delegate for the next council meeting that is being held on August 27th, to present this petition. Please let everyone you know that this is active, it would be nice to have at least double the amount as we have now. I am not a skilled speaker and rather nervous at having to do this, but I am stubborn and believe that what council is doing is wrong. So, with that being said if you are available on the 27th of August I sure could use a little back up. Thanks ED

This update was added to the petition statement on June 29th, 2012 at 9:09 am


Thank you all who have signed, please continue to pass the link to everyone you know, we have done well with the signatures so far, but it would be amazing to have twice this many when we go to council.

I hope you all have a fantastic Canada Day weekend with your families, and I truly hope you will have a safe, controlled fire in your backyard and roast your marshmallows. Maybe you should invite a neighbour you haven\'t met yet?


This update was added to the petition statement on July 3rd, 2012 at 8:07 pm

July 3rd. A facebook page has been created , please go to

Please share the link.


This update was added to the petition statement on July 3rd, 2012 at 8:08 pm

Sorry. Its

This update was added to the petition statement on August 2nd, 2012 at 12:36 pm

August 2, 2012.

Thank you all so much for signing the petition. I have been away for a couple of weeks, and was not able to access the petition, so to see we have over 2300 signatures was thrilling.
As we all know the summer has been extremely dry, so I am hoping everyone is abiding by the rules and not having their firepits in the evening. I miss having an evening fire, but rules are rules and the ground is way too dry right now. Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate and bring us that much needed rain soon.
Looking forward to seeing some of you at the council meeting on August 27th.

Thanks again everyone.

This update was added to the petition statement on August 27th, 2012 at 2:32 pm

August 27th, 2012

The petition has been formally presented and accepted by City Council.

The meeting is this evening at 7pm, Council Chambers, City Hall (2nd Floor).

I look forward to seeing you there.


This update was added to the petition statement on August 31st, 2012 at 7:58 pm

On August 27th I presented the petition to council with a speech on Common Sense, Consideration and Building stonger Communities. The word of reason and common sense proved right and council have agreed that we, the people of Kitchener can continue to enjoy our backyard firepits. There will be no fees, no set number of fires per year and the setback has been returned to the original 5 metres. The only thing that has changed is the hours that you are allowed to burn, that has been changed to 6pm to 11pm, which I totally agree with.
The city however will be clamping down hard on those people who have nuisance fires and do not abide by the bylaw, in other words, if you don\'t use common sense and consideration, you can expect a hefty fine.

So, we achieved what we set out to achieve and our firepits stay. Well done everyone!

Now go enjoy some quality time with your family, friends and neigbours.
Hazel Sheard.

This petition is now officially closed!

Most Recent Signatures
2520Lynn Ballantine
2519Barry Hume
we had some of our warmest nights sitting by a small contained fire. it would be a shame for others not to be able to experience that. think it over please.
2518Heath Canada website - Ingrid
The main pollutants in wood smoke that cause health concerns are:
Particulate Matter: This is the term for solid or liquid particles found in the air and is one of the primary components of smog. They can be very small and can travel deep into your lungs, causing respiratory and heart problems.
Carbon Monoxide: This is a colourless, odourless gas that is poisonous at high levels. It can interfere with the delivery of oxygen in the blood to the rest of your body.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are a wide range of compounds that usually have no color, taste or smell. Some cause direct health effects, while others contribute to smog.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: These compounds are a health concern because of their potential to cause cancer

BTW. Many cultures who relied only on wood for heat, light and cooking only lived very short lives like 30 or 40 years.
2516Ingrid Sienerth
The wood smoke issue is now before The Regional Board of Health as the public health hazard that it is.
there are too many that respect responsibility safety. first and foremost. the few that dont should be addressed, not us whom do. b
2514mark meyer
where do you add your address?
man has sat infront of a fire for thousand's of year's I WILL carry on with that doing as long as I live and breath.
2513Peter&Jane Huclk
Tired of keeping my windows shut all summer long.
2512pete drummond
Yes is not right
2511jim buchholtz
dont let a few bleeding hearts ruin it for everyone...N2H3L2
2510Ingrid S.
Kitchener's asthma rate for residents over 12 is 10.2% compared to 8.5% for the Stats Can 2010 figures. Cambridge has banned this nonsense since 1986 and Cambridge's rate is 7.8%, We continue to gather medical, environmental and legal information.
2509G Hunchman
Long live the family backyard fire
2508Darren Inder
I put up with yappy dogs, cats defecating on my property, but can't have a nice fire for smores on my own property? Shame on you Kitchener councillors!
N2E 1L1
2506Ursula Rose
2505Joan friesen
This is ridiculous i have asthma and cant breath and the same goes for any elderly person i say we get rid of these pits
2504Amy Aitman
2503Roxanna Shears
The bikes are a poor idea. There not safe and are hardly getting used. I've seen motorists use these lanes as passing lanes. Some could get hurt or killed. Spend the money on warn out roads instead of these silly bike lanes.
2500john forgione
Outrageous, All caused by a single incident with some poor senior and some idiot neighbour, Not a reason to punish all for it by adding permits. Please give me another reason to leave Kitchener to go someplace with more personal freedom.
2499John Forgione
Outrageous, All caused by a single incident with some poor senior and some idiot neighbour, Not a reason to punish all for it by adding permits. Please give me another reason to leave Kitchener to go someplace with more personal freedom.
2498Lindy Ducker
My family bonds over our bonfires.
97 Birch Ave.
Kitchener, ON
N2H 4W6
2497Lindy Ducker
My family bonds over our bonfires.
97 Birch Ave.
Kitchener, ON
N2H 4W6

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Petition Details
Created By: Elizabeth Dean
Created On: June 26th, 2012
Target: Mayor and Council City of Kitchener, Kitchener, Ontario
Category: Human Rights

Total signatures: 2521
Signature goal: 5000

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