Petition Signatures for Swingtown
101Camelia Matei
Please bring back Swingtown series. I love the show, the characters, the music, all about the 70's.
102daniele castrogiovanni
I loved the show. please bring it back!
Loved this show. It was taken off air too soon.
LOVE this show!!
106michelle cook
This was awesome. Bring it back!
107Brandon McGill
Needs to come back, maybe Showtime or HBO can pick it up. But seriously needs another season or at least a two hour movie.
108Sheri Windsor
Loved this show...We need to have a show like this on the air, it is thought provoking, gets us all outside all our day to day crap...So how can it be a bad show. It is and did what TV shows are meant to do. PLEASE bring it back.
110billy french
I miss this show so bad please bring it back my summer isn't going to be the same without it.
112shawn mantooth
love this show so much!!!
113Daniel Abbott
I love Swingtown too. I wish CBS would bring it back or sell it to some other company.
114Natalia Brito
Greatest show in a long, long time! Totally deserves a second chance!
Maybe this show would be better served on a channel like HBO or Showtime? Either way, it's great and should be back on TV!
117Everett Litton
118Kristi Litton
One of the best shows I've seen in many years. How could they cancel it?!
121Jeannette Watkins
Please bring Swingtown back! It was the fav show for my husband and I.
122Patrick Watkins
It was the best show ever! Bring back Swingtown!
123Patrick Watkins
Great show very sexy! Bring it back!!!
Excellent show, plot, authentic settings of the 70's. I bought the DVD series. The cliffhanger left us all in expectation of what is to come. CBS has always been to conservative for this kind of show, it should be picked up by an open-minded network.
I know it's been more than a year, but some network should pick up Swingtown. For a summer replacement series, it was stylish and well-written. I could be entertained for many summers to come.
please bring this show back it was the best thing on tv.
127Tyler Phelps
CBS you really need some good programming so why not bring this show back.
129Nicole Johnson
swingtown deserves alot better than only 1 season it was a great show and did not get a chance to really begin it deserves a second chance and a second season.
Please bring it back ! I was born in the 70's and, to me, this show is all about nostalgia of my early childhood. Since we can't get the 70's back (I mean for real), let us at least have this great show back ! Please ?
Move this show to HBO or Showtime, "spice it up a bit" and the viewers will follow. Anyone that complains about this show be damned!
Please make a few more seasons, but let the most interesting scenes last longer!
This show is awesome. We missed it the first time around but got it on DVD. I want more!
135Shondra Barnes
Please!!!Bring this show and my boyfriend loved to was so empowering,especially to women...
137pam kruger
Pleaseeeeeee bring it back! soonnnnnnn
Please, please, please bring back this show. I would love to see how the characters continue to develop!
139Scott Hall
Great writing, acting, and drama. Excellent show!
140Daniela Ruiz
It's the only show I ever watched RELIGIOUSLY! It'd be a sin to forget about it
141Sheila Moore
I love this show. Please bring it back.
142Helen Evans
I just started watching the 1st series on dvd and was gutted to hear no more were made! How can this be? This show is awsome, great acting, music etc I think HBO should pick it up!
143James Bardsley
This show was AWESOME in more ways than one. Risque storyline, great characters, best soundtrack ever!!! They were retarded to let it go, and even IF they can bring it back, I hope they can keep the cast intact. Everyone in the show grows on you.
144Ashley Bardsley
BRING IT BACK!!! Was a deffinite routine show for mt husband and I on a weekly basis.
bring it back!
146shelley lynn
Give it another chance, please!!
It It is a shame that we can fill our TV with violence ridden programing, but touching a subject that was and remains a part of our history is taboo. So sad when killing someone on TV is OK, but loving someone is not.
i liked this show but it would be better on hbo or something like that. great story line!
Loved, loved, loved it!
Bring it back. Move it to Showtime or HBO-- just bering it back!
Petition Details
Petition: Swingtown
Created By: Joel Cantu
Created On: May 4th, 2009
Target: CBS Television
Category: Entertainment

Total signatures: 177

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