HomeLessNess, It Can Happen To YOU, Do You CARE??
It seems the Homeless continue to fall through the cracks of our wonderful society. I wonder why? Well, when I look around at our society today and how the people go about their everyday activities, walking past these people lying on the streets, on corners, sleeping under boxes at night in the rain, freezing to deatth in the winter seasons in many parts on our planet, to pay little or no attention to them at all. In other words trying most times to completely ignore them. It is as though most of these people are considered worthless and have nothing to contribute to society. If they panhandle for alittle bit of change just to get some food or a meal, suddenly they are reported to the police or other agencies and an attempt is made to remove these people or arrest them. What kind of society of heartless people do we have and live among everyday. The human greed is over whelming and disgraceful. For those not homeless, it seems their thoughts are pretty much to the thinking of they will never be in such a position or life just cannot or could not treat them in such a manner. Well, the good life or those surround by Ivory Towers, or those living in such, in many situations, it has been shown that things can change in split seconds and yes, anyone absolutely anyone can become homeless.
No One is better than God, and yes, God can teach ALL of Us important lessons in our lives at anytime given time. Rich or Poor should never forget that. But it does seem in todays greedy society some have forgotten about such possible lessons.

Life is about "People Helping People, and in my opinion, actions speak louder than fancy words. As a natural born psychic medium I have always helped people and those needing help in anyway that I can. I love animals and have helped them and continue to do so, just as I love all nature and what GOD has created for us to enjoy on this physical plane of life. Yet, my life has been full of struggles and yes,
I have been a caregiver to both my parents, that have now both passed. and only my mother recently who was 99 years old. Yes, I have provided help to friends, neighbors, etc. Now, Iam once again attempting to build my clientele up and have been trying to get on Radio Talk shows to help many other people who I know are out there that may help questions about their problems, situations, etc., and I feel I could perhaps provide some answers to them. However, it seems our society is Just not interested, particularly our wealthy media community. As all of my requests seemed to be continuously ignored. Yes, I would like to help the homeless and those in need and at same time to be able to support myself and my gifted abilities.

However, it appears very difficult when whatever one does in this society, it falls on deaf ears and no one is really interested.
I have always believed in One Human Being Helping Another Human Being. We are "ALL GODS CHILDREN"
The signatures on this petition will indicate "Just How Much Care People Really Feel About This Issue" 25 or 65 signatures are just not enough, we need to care and CARE ALOT! Please continue to SIGN
Tell All your friends about this petition, send them a link to it.
Tell Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Wimfrey, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Jennefer Lopez, Etc., Etc. Tell The World.
Let us All Make a Difference.

In the meantime, I would like to share a little poem with you all that I found in my mothers\' wallet after she passed away last year on November, 12th, 2010. I miss her terribly as she was and continues to be my Life and My World. I love her so very, very much.
The Author of this poem is unknown. However, my mother and I always fully believed in it and thought it was written from the heart and is so very true.
I cried several times last evening as I read it over again, as her and I used to read it often when she was alive. My mothers\' name was Violet. Thank You. Ray R. Ellis
Blessings and Love To you ALL.

A Little More Kindness,
A Little Less Creed,
A Little More Giving,
A Little Less Greed.
A Little More Smile,
A Little Less Frown,
A Little Less Kicking,
A Man When He\'s Down.
A Little More We,
A Little Less I,
A Little More Laugh,
A Little Less Cry,
A Little More Flowers
On The Pathway of Life,
And Less On The Graves
At The End of Our Strife."
Author Unknown

Thank you. Blessings & Light.

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Petition Details
Created By: Ray R. Ellis
Created On: June 24th, 2011
Target: Spiritual Fan, Spritiualists International, Ray R. Ellis, KarenLeeSamson
Category: Media, Arts, Culture

Total signatures: 0
Signature goal: 10000

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