Save the Saskatchewan Film Employment Tax Credit
The tax credit brings investments into the province:

- In 14 years $100 million of investments has generated $623 million in production revenue for the province.
- The film industry created 1200 jobs in 2009/10 alone.
- It\'s not money out, it\'s money in.
- Don\'t eliminate the SFETC!

"Every dollar of tax incentive for the film industry returned six dollars in economic activity," Steve Wells, Ph.D. & Clyde Posey, Ph.D.

Most Recent Signatures
8514Rick Shorope
I'm frpm Vancouver and I think it is wrong to discontinue anything that has to do with film in Saskatchewan.
8513Ferne Amberson
My daughter is leaving the province. This is the wrong decision by the Sask Party.
8512Stephen Roth
8511Matthew Siebert
8510Sunny chin
8509George Burnay
A have province doesnt need to cut,programs supporting an industry that doesn't depend on a resource boom!
8508Pamela Haig Bartley
The CREDIT (not a grant) enables our artists to live and work in this province. If they can't make a living here, they will move away and not come back. Do you want a province with NO ARTISTS?
8507William Bartley
Please reconsider this decision. The benefits of the credit (it's not a grant)far outweigh the costs.
8506Eileen Lampard
8505Robin Clark
The easiest thing in the world to do is to convince a redneck that funding the arts is a waste of money. Try giving the facts about the tax credit - they don't lie.
8504Charity Gadica
8503Margo Johnson
8502Carol Shaw
I'm from Saskatchewan and am proud of the work that has been done in film industry in this once unappreciated province.
8501D Grunerud
I support small business
8500Archie McIsaac
Government wasn't subsidizing film it was giving a tax break. By killing the industry they will now get nothing at all not to mention the revenue from businesses and jobs that will be lost. Doesn't make sense.
8499James Balzer
Please reconsider this short-sighted decision
8497Andrew Kaytor
8496Brent Blazieko
I liked it better when Saskatchewan was a leader in the arts. This new proposed tax credit isn't helpful.
8494Martin Shenher
Please reconsider your decision
8493Riley lajeunesse
8492Barry Kloeble
8491M Andrews
What a terrible action. Please reconsider; it's almost too late.
8490Brett Pollock
The artists and storytellers are the soul of our culture. The tax credit not only makes financial sense but it nurtures the vary soul of who we are as a country. Keep the industry strong.

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Petition Details
Created By: Teresa Mead
Created On: March 23rd, 2012
Target: The Honourable Brad Wall Premier of Saskatchewan
Category: Media, Arts, Culture

Total signatures: 8514
Signature goal: 5,000

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