Wu Yi Tea are Fakes and THIEVES
I always thought I was an intelligent person ...I guess we all have our moments. I order Wu Yi Tea on their website back in April...a one time deal. I gave it a try for few months and thought it was nothing special. Didn\'t think twice about it...until I reviewed my bank statements for the last few months. A charge of $19.95 has been popping up from Livelifelean.net. This is how they "get you."

Livelifelean.net is the company that provides the "support" program you apparently need for using the tea properly. Of course, I ran out of tea long ago, and never received "support" info/help from Lielifelean.net, but they still are charging me $19.95 for their services.

I did contact "customer service"...they don\'t identify themselves as any particular company...and was told they would cancel my account... but they would have to charge me a $19.95 processing fee. It would take two-three weeks to process.

You may think you are buying only the tea... but you are actually buying yourself a whole lot of trouble.

Check out these links for something that work and bill you only once: http://www.7minutemuscle.com/aff/slimtone http://www.everyotherdaydiet.com/aff/slimtone &

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Petition Details
Created By: Zenia Wilson
Created On: October 10th, 2008
Target: Better Business Bureau
Category: Health

Total signatures: 0
Signature goal: 5000

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