Task: Help business entrepreneurs in building their business website

Issue: The internet has bought a paradigm shift in the way business is done today. It has bought the convenience of online shopping to modern life customers and changed the whole aspect of how a company can sell their products via online. The days are gone where customers used to buy products from local stores, now they have plethora of options on internet. They can view and compare the products and buy them conveniently from online stores.

Internet has provided ample of opportunities for business brand to grow at global level. Since most of the people opt for online business, it has become very important for all business brands either small or large to build business websites to survive and grow. But the actual problem is, many new entrepreneurs are not seeing the value of spending money on developing website for their business.

Solution: Millions of people surf the internet every day, some search for solution to daily needs and few search to make online purchases. People will visit the websites to know more about business’s products and services. No matter if the business is pretty new or old, having a website is important. To compete against business competitors, it is essential to embrace a website.

A business website is valuable resource that all business can use it to increase revenue and customer base. With the help of webdesignengine a website will reach larger target audience and drives more potential customers to the business. Business website will represent the services of business brand and it acts as a great customer service representative and marketing agent.

Developing a new business website is no longer a luxury item. There are many web designing service provider who design and develop websites for most affordable rates. A business website will save huge amount of money being spent on postage, paper or advertisements. Success of every business will rely on marketing, especially online and hence it is very important to own a website to attain great success.

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Petition Details
Created By: Gary Gardiner
Created On: March 14th, 2019
Target: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Category: Corporate Accountability

Total signatures: 0

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