LVHS needs a change..................
We the undersigned are asking Sue Ross, Stephanie Teague and Ella Hopson to step down from their positions at Loudoun Valley High School.

At a Loudoun Valley faculty meeting on May 19, 2014, the allegations of abuse against Sue Ross and the other administrators mentioned above were dismissed by the LCPS administration, under Dr. Hatrick’s leadership at the time.

Because of a technicality the teacher\'s complaints were never properly processed and Dr. Hatrick\'s final request to the staff was to "stop the rumor mill", a clear indication that he thought 60+ teachers are lying. And then he retired.

The current administration believes that sending in an additional assistant principal will correct the situation. We acknowledge that it will improve the behavior of the above stated individuals, but the atmosphere of mistrust, known previous intimidation and fear still remains.

The only solution is to remove these administrators from our school and let us begin to heal. The students deserve to have a school where their teachers don’t educate from a place of fear.

So, now it is up to us. If you believe that LVHS deserves better management, sign this petition to ask Sue Ross and the other administrators to step down.

Most Recent Signatures
4Donna Long
3Deana Smart
2Anne Reid
1Teri Domanski

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Petition Details
Created By: Donna Long
Created On: August 12th, 2014
Target: LVHS students, families, teachers, staff and community
Category: Education

Total signatures: 4
Signature goal: 400

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