Bring back Stroker & Hoop
The Hilarious [Adult Swim] series Stroker & Hoop (A parody of cop shows.) aired it\'s pilot episode back in 2004. It was renewed for a first season which aired in the Fall of 2005. However, the season was only 13 episodes long and it ended on a cliffhanger. The show was canceled after the cliffhanger and has not made a single further episode since.

The purpose of this petition is to convince [Adult Swim] to reverse their decision to either give the show a proper episode length or at least create an episode based on how the cliffhanger from Season 1 was supposed to end.

I hope this petition gets as many signatures as possible.
This update was added to the petition statement on October 23rd, 2009 at 6:14 pm

Oh and when I say "reverse their decision to" I mean "Reverse their decision and as a result".

Most Recent Signatures
one of the best shows of all time. no brainer. bring it back
Bring it back! Bring it back! Bring it back!
46Viscid gurdun
Crappy shows play and why is that good ones always end without finishing. Please bring it back. I would buy it in a heartbeat no matter the price you put it on. hate incomplete anime. Own the 1st and enjoy watching it hope they make the 2nd. Let's hope so
45Eric Piech
one of the best shows of all time. no brainer. bring it back
44Eric Piech
one of the best shows of all time. no brainer. bring it back
43mike green
42Lane Amason
It always made me laugh and all in all was really fun bring it back please.
please bring back the show....cheers from romania
40Jeff S
One of the greatest shows ever made super funny.
best toon ever
38Jonathan Gladieux
Adult Swim is turning into FOX, the idiots who cancelled Arrested Developement, Family Guy, Futurama, and many more great shows that they didnt have the foresight to keep on air long enough to establish a proper fan-base! For shame!!
37Lars Anderson
We need this show to make us happy in the end Times.
36Joel Nascimento
Adult Swim, Bring back stroker and hoop. It is a damn funny show and it will get its viewers in the 2nd season.
Stroker and Hoop need to be revived as a show and BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
33Jacob Hernandez
Bring back Stroker and Hoop! An awesome comedy with a nice touch of raunchy, this show was great. It was awesome, and one of the reasons why Adult Swim kicked so much ass.
with all the random shows that come and go on adult swim, this by far was a diamond in the rough. funny but with sensible humor a la family guy, king of the hill etc. not random shock value as many of the shows have stooped to. please bring it back.
31Jason Ayala
30noah C
wow this is still like my favorite show. why the hell would you stop makin this show. its so funny and so creative. there is nothing better. its easily better then all that family guy.BRING IT BACK
29Camilo Rodriguez
Revive this show! One of the best animated series in Adult Swim.
28Joel C.
27mike hunt
way way way better than most of the crap on tv. seriously a great show.
Stroker & Hoop rocks!!!!!!!!
bring it back, it's the funniest show ever!!!!!!
Bring It Back!!!
Storker & Hoop Rules!!!

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Petition Details
Created By: Julian Hinmon
Created On: October 23rd, 2009
Target: Cartoon Network's [Adult Swim]
Category: Entertainment

Total signatures: 49
Signature goal: At least 500.

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