Task: Demanding to Ban High Fee Spy Software.

Issue: In this modern world, nothing is impossible. With the advent of modern technologies, almost every complicated tasks seem easier to complete. Undoubtedly, mobile phones are a great innovation and today this communication tool is used for various purposes like sharing files, taking pictures and sharing them on social media from anywhere in the world, video calling and so much more.

Taking this advantage of mobile phones, people tend to maintain secrecy among their loved ones since it is easy to erase all the information just within seconds. Due to this, parents, spouses, and employers are finding difficult to track down whereabouts of a suspect. Many people do not like to share what’s happening in their virtual life and this, in turn, is causing worries to their dear ones. Considering this problem, mobile app developers have developed spy applications. Many people have found peace in their life with the help of spy applications. However, people who don’t know much about spy apps are buying high fee spy software.

Solution: Mobile phones have enabled us to complete most sophisticated with ease. Today, almost every teenager will be provided with mobile phones for study purpose but they seem to spend most of their time using mobile phone different purpose. Parents are worried about their kids mobile activity, they like to know with whom their children are speaking and where they are spending time when they are out of a home. Every possible detail can be obtained with the help of spy apps. Phone spy applications are designed to track down the mobile activity of a suspect.

Spy application like www.netspy.net will provide every detail from call logs, text messages, visited internet sites, GPS location tracking in real time and so much more. This spy app can be even used to identify an unworthy employee, catch a cheating spouse or can be used to relocate lost phone. Spy apps are very popular and due to this popularity, many spy apps are costing high fee. People who don’t have much knowledge about spying apps are paying a huge amount.

People should be aware of free spy applications, if we google for spy application we will get hundreds of result within seconds. All these free spy apps are user-friendly and compatible with all kind of mobiles, these won’t charge any amount for tracking and it doesn’t require any personal details, a user just needs to enter basic information and then start tracking a suspect.

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Petition Details
Created By: Michael Rogers
Created On: March 13th, 2019
Target: telecommunication ministry
Category: Other

Total signatures: 0

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