Advocates For Youth
Task: Demand education of including health supplements from reputed manufacturers.

The issue: People falling prey to dubious health supplements resulting in complex health issues.

These days, fast food is more preferred by the working class as its quick and filling meal for those who have no time to cook. These fast foods lack the necessary nutrients that a working adult needs to function efficiently in their lives. Hence, people have become more dependent on health supplements to help them improve their diets.

As Health supplements are essential even for people who do not eat fast food for their general well-being. This growing demand has exposed to fake dietary supplements.

Even when you do a simple search for a supplement, you are sure to get hundreds of websites and blogs promising their product is the best and genuine and gives all the health benefits.

Recently, we have noticed that there were couple of counterfeit supplements which were be marketed and sold by retailers. These supplements contain harmful fillers which may not be mentioned on the label which leads to dangerous allergic reactions and hormonal imbalance.

We must carefully verify the supplements to save ourselves from falling prey to fake supplements and many complex health issues.


While there are very little check points to consider while identifying fake health supplements, if the manufacturing companies are regulated, we can protect ourselves from these dangerous health hazards.

We can verify these health supplements by checking their label, we need to be sure that these supplements are lab tested and approved by FDA. Some reputed health supplements are available directly from the companies and not allowed to be sold in retail. They may be lesser than the actual product but may contain cheap steroids or gluten which has threatening allergic reactions.

It is important as a consumer to become aware of purchasing fake health supplements and detect fake supplements.

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Petition Details
Created By: Albert Nagle
Created On: August 9th, 2018
Target: Demand education of including health supplements from reputed manufacturers.
Category: Health

Total signatures: 0
Signature goal: 250

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